How I spent my winter break

My first semester ended when I turned in my capitalisms paper on December 17. With classes not resuming until January 16, that left me with several weeks to myself. After working in a job where I only got two weeks off a year, having that much free time was a welcome change. So how did… Continue reading How I spent my winter break

Categorized as Reflection

Computing for the Humanities

Semester breaks are for rest and relaxation, but they’re also a great time to learn new skills through workshops and other opportunities. Such was the case with the Digital Humanities bootcamp I took last week, which I’ll be talking about today. This intensive workshop met from 9-4 Monday through Friday. Each day focused on a… Continue reading Computing for the Humanities

Deck the Halls, Williamsburg Edition

Colonial Williamsburg loves the holiday season. From its fireworks-laden Grand Illumination to ornament making at the Aldrich Rockefeller Museum, it embraces December festivity. I appreciate good holiday decorations myself, so with the semester winding down and projects wrapping up, I took a break with Brandon to go look at the them. Of all the decorations, I… Continue reading Deck the Halls, Williamsburg Edition

Categorized as Misc.

Iris Trio, Part 2

Last week I started talking about an iris print I had been wanting to make. This week I’ll show you how it turned out. I completed this project over the summer, before I moved to Williamsburg.   I began this project by going through my sketches. I eventually settled on three flowers, each drawn between… Continue reading Iris Trio, Part 2

Categorized as Art

Iris Trio, Part 1

When I was living in Roswell, I became interested in drawing iris. I’ve long appreciated these flowers for their dramatic, ruffled petals and rich colors, but southeast New Mexico, as it turns out, is replete with them. I could find them growing all around Roswell in the spring, and the Roswell Museum collection itself boasted… Continue reading Iris Trio, Part 1

Categorized as Art