The Roswell Museum Federal Art Center

The Archive

In addition to still being in operation, the Roswell Museum is a valuable historical resource because it retains an archive pertaining to its WPA history. Housed in the museum library, this archive remains undigitized, and consequently has limited accessibility. This project has attempted to provide a succinct overview of the history contained within this archive, but it only represents a preliminary foray into making this archive accessible. This project has hopefully demonstrated the merit in digitizing the entire archive.

Despite the richness of this archive, however, it does not tell the complete story of the Roswell Museum's early history, and not all of the original paperwork has survived. Several exhibitions are missing shipping receipts, for example, or are otherwise missing aspects of their paperwork. More importantly, the archive reflects a specific institutional voice, that the FAP. The Roswell Museum's staff worked for the FAP, not the City of Roswell, so local viewpoints are presented through the perspectives of the FAP. We also only hear the perspectives of administrative staff, as they were the ones who completed the paperwork and corresponded with state administrators. We only know the experiences of the custodians, gallery assistants, and carpenters indirectly, let alone how they felt about their experiences working there. 

Despite these absences, this story remains significant. Say something else to wrap this up.



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